
****Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. Give everyone a smile. Spend so much time improving yourself that you have no time left to criticize others. Be too big for worry and too noble for anger.****

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Travel in Nepal

Posted by Unknown On 4:58 PM No comments


Nepal is one of the smallest country in the World. Nepal is a landlocked country surrounded by land where northern part of Nepal border is surrounded by china whereas western, eastern and southern part of Nepal border is surrounded by India. Nepal lies in Asia. Nepal has offer huge number of tourist and it is a tourism places to visit where Nepal has got huge number of temple and it is a historical place. Nepal is rich is agricultural sector and around 80 % of Nepalese people are involved in Agriculture .The capital city of Nepal is Kathmandu; city of Kathmandu is beautiful with a beautiful tourism area as well Pokhara city of Nepal is known as tourism city in Nepal. However it has got a highest destination point of tourist area number of people from the corner of the world used to visit Nepal.

Nepal House Village with beautiful Trees
 Small villages in Nepal it is really beautiful with pleasant sanitation .
     Nepal is rich in water resources.  Mount Everest world highest mountain in the world with a peak of 8848 meter square kilometers is located in Nepal so Nepal is famous for highest mountain the world however around the corner of the world lots of people used to visit Nepal for the trip to Mount Everest to see the its beauty so Nepal has got highest tourism point. Nepal is very beautiful country in the world with full of surprise. Discovering the world Nepal can be a pleasant, attractive and natural beauty with unforgettable experience in the life of human being creatures, it beautiful places which has lots number of lakes , river , waterfalls , mountains etc. In Nepal lots of things are cheap so it is very easy for travelling so that they can spend more time in Nepal. Nepal from food to everything is cheap.

Hence, Nepal has got a Tourism area , so planning to trip to country don't forget to see beautiful mountain named Sagarmatha (Mount Everest , lots of number of temples are there in Nepal but try to visit swayambhunath with a holy destination, Nepal actual is a holy places.


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